Roofing warranties can be broadly defined as contractor warranties (workmanship) or manufacturer warranties. Contractor warranties are normally one to two years duration and are of value if the contractor stays in business and is willing to come back when needed. A manufacturers warranty ranges from five to fifty years and is laden with fine print and exclusions. These exclusions are often the most common failures of that particular product. The single most important consideration when evaluating a roofing warranty is who stands behind it. will they be around to honor their warranty if needed? Statistics show that only one in three roofing contractors will still be in business five years from now. The second most important consideration regarding your warranty is whether the contractor selected products that matched the application and installed them to manufacturers specifications. Don't expect a manufacturer to stand behind an improperly installed or misapplied product! Hendricks Roofing & Supply Co., Inc. has been in business for twenty four years. We are a rock solid company. We install only time proven materials of the highest quality. Call us, we will evaluate your roof and select the best product for the application. We will provide you with a written estimate. We will install your new roof to manufacturers standards with attention to detail. We will provide our workmanship warranty for roof replacements, new roofs, and most major repairs. We will be your best value. Please see our products page for additional specifics on warranties.